The Homebound

In the United States, roughly four million people are confined to their home due to age, injury, illness, or physical or mental disability.

Long periods of confinement cause many homebound people to suffer from loneliness, depression, anxiety, isolation, contact deprivation, shame, grief and helplessness. Those who become homebound after a life of mobility struggle with dramatically reduced engagement in social, professional, and family circles. Often, the homebound also experience deep disappointment, particularly if someone is unable to visit or call, or an opportunity for an outing is cancelled.

With the dramatic shortage of health care providers who can deliver in-home care, the majority of homebound people cannot receive the counseling, therapy or any other therapeutic services they need to help them cope. For many, the absence of mental health services results in psychological decline.

Access to Therapy Network offers an innovative solution.

Our licensed providers come to the home via virtual house-call. Using some of the most advanced communications technology available, our providers meet with homebound clients via video conference - face-to-face, seeing and hearing each other clearly. We offer reliable, high quality mental health care that requires no transportation, no reliance on others for assistance, and no wait. 

With Access to Therapy Network, you do not have to feel so alone anymore.